Why We Fail to Reach Our Goals - and What We Can Do About It

Have you ever set a big goal and failed to reach it? Have you ever known a goal that seemed unreachable at the start of the process but by the end, you realized how much further you had to go? If not, then you are probably one of the tens of millions of people who have failed to reach their own personal goals. Whether it’s money, weight or anything else in your life, everyone knows there is always more to gain and less to lose. But when it comes to reaching our own goals— such as getting healthy, losing weight or finding true love— we can often end up losing heart from the very beginning. As humans, we all want to be happy and fulfilled in every aspect of our lives. But for some people, achieving these things means quitting their day jobs and foregoing lucrative salaries for a much-deserved life in the fields of finance or marketing. For others, it means giving up eating sugar or unhealthy foods altogether for a healthier lifestyle. We all know that reaching our goals is easier said than done; however, with these tips below – we hope that you might be able to successfully achieve your own personal success stories!


Set realistic goals

We all have a set limit on how high we will go in life. It’s what we call our “perceived ceiling”. If you were to ask someone to name the highest they have reached, most people would probably say the same thing: the roof of the world! But how many people can say the same thing about themselves? This is where setting realistic goals can help. Start with identifying what you want to do in five or 10-year increments and then work your way up to that. 


Define your success criteria

Once you’ve set your realistic goals, the next thing to do is to figure out what success looks like for you. For example, if you are looking to lose 5% of your body weight, then you would have to lose 5% of your body weight over the next 12 months. If you want to go down a size, then you would have to lose 5% of your current size and go down to a size 8. There are many different ways you could go about this, but the most important thing is to clearly define what success looks like for you and your goals.


Find a mentor or a trainer

If you are struggling to get your goals across, it might be because you are not finding a mentor or a trainer that is right for you. Mentor programs and personal training services are great for people who want to develop a plan, but aren’t ready to handle the pressure and responsibility of making changes on their own. There are many online resources that can help you find the right person for the job. One great resource is The New You Coaching Program, which is available on Zoom. By pairing you up with the right person, this program can help you to realize your full potential. On the other hand, clubs and classes that focus on one person’s struggle can be a one-way ticket to mediocrity. Mentor programs and personal training services work best when you are ready to take charge of your life and make changes for the better.


Network, Network, Network

The more people that know about your goal, the better. There are many ways to get the word out about your goal. For example, you could host a virtual meetup or event for your goal. You could also put up fliers around campus or in your neighborhood. You can also use social media channels to share your goal with the world. Many people have stories about how social media helped them to achieve their goals. For example, one girl who was on a diet for two years and lost 50 lbs shared her story on Instagram. Her photo went viral, and her goal was achieved within 24 hours!


Celebrate small wins

Even when you are at the start of your journey, celebrating small wins can go a long way towards helping you stay motivated. Celebrate your small wins. For example, celebrate when you make healthy choices, celebrate when you log your first thousand steps, and celebrate when you start to see the results. There are so many ways to celebrate small wins, and they can help you to stay motivated while you are still young enough to celebrate!


Know when to set aside the doubt and give in

Some goals are so great that even if you could achieve them, you would be doing yourself a big disservice by not sharing your knowledge. You might have heard that the more you teach yourself, the luckier you get. But in reality, it’s the exact opposite! By learning how to overcome the odds, you can become even luckier. It’s a win-win situation! There are many goals where you know that you are destined to fail. For example, learning to walk is a great accomplishment, but how can you walk if you haven’t been born? Likewise, many goals are closer to impossible, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth striving for. When you know when to give up and accept that you will never be able to achieve your goals, you will still be left with a sense of accomplishment.



We all have a tendency to set goals that are too big for us and our current circumstances. With these tips, you will be well on your way to achieving your personal goals!

